The single factor design of experiment on face milling of Invar36 is conducted by using coated carbide ins ert to characterize the influence of cutting parameters on the cutting force. Th e frequency spectrum analysis of the dynamic milling force, and the generation a nd c haracteristics of cutting force signal during cutting process are studied. The milling force of Invar36 is also compared with that of 0Cr18Ni9. The cutting par am eters, including cutting speed, and feed and depth of cut, are taken into consid era tion to analyze the influence on the cutting force. The r esults show that radial component force in tool coordinate system reflects th e extrusion between flank face and workpiece, and the peak force of tangential c omponent is ahead of radial component force during a cutting cycle. The correla tion coefficient of regression model shows that the depth of cut has the greate st significance on the cutting force followed by feed, while the cutting speed h as the least influence on cutting force. And with the increase of axial cutting force, the degree and depth of grain distortion become larger.